Flood, Fire, Theft… Will business survive?

With Hiteishee, making sure you’re prepared for the worst, doesn’t have to be painful or costly – and it can help your systems run more smoothly.

Plan for protection
What would you do if disaster struck your offices or IT systems? For many businesses, data and email is at the heart of everything they do. It may also be a regulatory requirement that you keep records and hold your data in the appropriate level of security.
Looking after IT for over 150 companies means Hiteishee has the experience to deploy highly effective business continuity plans.

At a glance
• Automated online back up
• Real time email continuity
• Hardware resilience testing
• Disaster Recovery Audits
• Hosted desktops and web-based services

A safe pair of hands : Whatever your size of business, from a small start-up with a handful of employees to an international concern with several hundred staff, Hiteishee can put a plan in place to deal with serious IT breakdowns. Our wide range of technologies are optimised to ensure that your systems can continue operating through a disaster, and return to normal operations as quickly as possible. When you rely on Hiteishee, online backup and email continuity guarantees that your staff can continue to work while you recover anything that’s been lost.

Less stress, smaller costs : It doesn’t have to be expensive, either. Backing up data securely on a day to day basis may be enough for some businesses; others will require a full business continuity strategy. Let us work with you to supply a solution that’s appropriate in size and scope – and that offers the best value for money.
And because we specialise in IT for smaller and medium-sized businesses, we always prefer to take a preventative approach. By specifying IT systems and architectures that are inherently resilient to failure, we can remove many of the additional costs of disaster recovery for little or no loss of functionality.

Office relocation : Moving offices comes with enough worries. With Hiteishee, your IT set up won’t be one of them.

Take the stress out of moving :  Working with over 150 small to medium-sized businesses, including a healthy number of start-ups, Hiteishee have become the experts at ensuring a smooth process when you relocate. Let us help you move, and you’ll wonder why it always used to be so stressful.

At a glance
• Office relocation from start to finish
• Minimum downtime
• Telecoms management
• Third party suppliers managed professionally
• Design and build of new networks

Leave it to us : The secret is simply knowing what to expect, and having the experience to anticipate problems before they happen. Without proper technical planning, you can end up with-out services when you most need them. For instance, it’s easy to overlook a small tele-phone line detail, only to find that a telecoms provider has made a crucial mistake further down the line.

Just let us know when you’re moving and Hiteishee will do the rest. We will manage 100 per cent of your third party IT relationships, arrange cabling and internet connectivity, dismantle your existing network, and then design and install a network in your new offices.
Your people can can turn up for work on Monday morning safe in the knowledge that we have been hard at work over the weekend to make sure everything is running perfectly.

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